Alfred University 新闻


阿尔佛雷德, 周五下午,纽约k8彩乐园app官网下载庆祝了它的学生和教师, 4月 19, during the annual 荣誉 Convocation, held in Miller Theater. Among the honorees were Angie Taylor, chief diversity officer and Title IX coordinator, who received the prestigious Abigail Allen Award, 以及学生Brian Ngatunga和Emilia Donenberg Smith, 马林·米勒杰出青年奖的获得者.

Juliana Gray, 英语教授和大学荣誉项目主任, served as master of ceremonies. Addressing the gathering of honored students, faculty and staff, 家庭, and friends, she noted the honorees had “challenged themselves, 鞭策自己(和)今天我们庆祝他们真正令人印象深刻的成就.

k8彩乐园app官网下载校长Mark Zupan引用了法国烹饪大师Julia Childs的话, 谁发现法式烹饪的秘密原料是大量的黄油. “今天房间里有很多黄油,”祖潘说. “What you’ve accomplished has produced the butter.” Alluding to the recent COVID-challenged years, 祖潘感谢学生和教师在逆境中坚持不懈, further observing, “All that churning can stand you in wonderful stead.”

In awarding the Abigail Allen Award, Professor of German and 历史 Sandra Singer, 同时也是妇女与性别研究项目的主任, 称赞了安吉·泰勒“激发出人们最好的一面”的能力.注意到泰勒在搬到南方梯队之前广泛的世界旅行, 辛格说,一定是“一个非常幸运的明星把安吉带到阿尔弗雷德.”

泰勒在k8彩乐园app官网下载开始了她的职业生涯,担任男女田径总教练,并在2022-23学年之前被任命为临时首席多元化官. 此后,她的任命成为永久性的,她还担任了第九条协调员的角色.

学生们称赞泰勒把不同的人聚集在一起,建立了一个社区,给大学带来了积极的变化. 她被视为学生的导师,学生们把她视为成为全球公民的典范.

In addition to honoring faculty and students, 荣誉大会也是庆祝年度马林·米勒杰出高级奖获得者的场合. 学生体验学院院长Thomas Orrange为Ngatunga和Smith颁发了奖项, 注意到他们是根据他们的奖学金被选中的, extracurricular achievement, personal character and conduct.  “杰出毕业生奖”是为了纪念k8彩乐园app官网下载54年的校友马林·米勒而设立的, HD ’89, ’19, a Life Trustee and Board of Trustees Chair emeritus, 也是k8彩乐园app官网下载最慷慨的支持者之一.

Ngatunga, from Mwanza, Tanzania, 他将提前一年毕业,获得商业分析学士学位和市场营销副修学位,并获得3.95 grade-point average. An 荣誉 Program student, Ngatunga has been inducted into the Delta Mu Delta, Alpha Kappa Phi, Pi Gamma, Mu Kappa Tau, Alpha Iota Delta, Beta Gamma Sigma, 和奥米克隆三角洲卡帕荣誉社团,并担任后者的主席.

来自伊利诺伊州威尔梅特的史密斯正在攻读美术和物理双学位. 她 has a cumulative grade-point average of 3.89. The recipient of a Presidential Scholarship, 史密斯参加了k8彩乐园app官网下载的荣誉课程. 她是2023年Natasha Goldowski Renner物理学奖和2023年美国陶瓷学会(ACerS)科学创造力奖的获得者.


John Simmins, 高级陶瓷技术研究中心主任, was presented with the John F. McMahon Excellence in Ceramic Teaching Award. The award is presented annually in honor of John F. 感谢麦克马洪多年来作为教授和院长为哈佛大学做出的贡献.

13名教师获得约瑟夫·克鲁森信托基金卓越教学奖, with recipients chosen based on a student vote. Following are the 2024 winners: Amy Button-Ervin, associate professor of psychology; Bradford Daly, assistant professor of school psychology; Andrew Deutsch, professor of sound design and video arts; 她lly Freyn, associate professor of marketing; Geremy Grant, assistant professor of school psychology; Julia Langdal-Sittu, assistant professor of psychology;  Garrett McGowan, professor of chemistry; Joseph Petrillo, professor of mathematics; Angus Powers, professor of glass; Robert Reginio, professor of English; Melissa Ryan, professor of English; Linda Sikora, professor of ceramic art; and Xingwu Wang, professor of electrical engineering.

西科拉还获得了约瑟夫·克鲁森k8彩乐园app官网下载杰出服务奖. 此奖项旨在表扬长期致力服务的员工, commitment to academic quality, and the strong sense of humanity shown to students. 受奖人受到艾尔弗雷德校友和艾尔弗雷德社区以外的专业人士的尊敬. 她 is widely respected by the campus community, 其中包括那些认为她是一名优秀教师的学生, faculty colleagues, and members of the administration.

七名教师(每个学术单位一名)被授予教师学者奖,以表彰他们在研究和学术方面的卓越表现. The 2024 awardees are: Collen Wahl, assistant professor or dance, Performing 艺术 Division; Maria Planansky, collection management librarian, University Libraries; Angeline Felber, assistant professor of counseling, School of Graduate and Continuing Studies; Robert Maiden, professor of psychology, College of Liberal 艺术 and Sciences; S.K. Sundaram, 稻森材料科学与工程教授, Inamori School of Engineering; Linda Sikora, professor of ceramic art, School of Art and Design; and 她lly Freyn, associate professor of marketing, College of Business.

两名学生奥利维亚·吉尔伯特和艾米莉亚·多南伯格·史密斯荣获纽约州立大学校长优秀学生奖. 该奖项旨在表彰那些将学术卓越与生活其他方面相结合的模范学生, which may include the arts (creative and performing), athletics, career achievement, community service or leadership.

35名学生被授予k8彩乐园app官网下载学者称号, 这是一个表彰完成k8彩乐园app官网下载荣誉课程要求的高年级学生的奖项. The 2024 recipients are: Tyler Armak, Kenneth Berlin, Audrey Buddendeck, Megan Callaghan, Cailean Cavanaugh, Sienna Cefalu, Bianca Durso, Bryce Easter, Mairin Farchione, Natalie Farchione, Josefina Fasolino, Kathryn Geiger, Olivia Gilbert, Nicholas Goetze, Kirsten Gollhofer, Anna Gwozdz, Derek Harrington, Mia Heidenreich, Mari Jablonski, Corrine Kayes, Sarah Lutkins, Brian Ngatunga, Monica Nowik, Natalie Reynolds, Samantha Sage, Emilia-Qian 她n, Cecilia 她rwood, Kylie Simkins, Emilia Donenberg Smith, Aleksey Strekalov, Kaitlin Villanueva, Karenna Waite, Lucas Young, Macy Youngberg, and Zulaikha Yusuff.