
Lambda Advanced Materials成为最新业务 at Sugar Hill Industrial Park

Owners of a new ceramic materials firm today signed papers purchasing a piece of land and building at the Sugar Hill Industrial Park in the town of Alfred. Lambda Advanced Materials LLC will become the first company in two decades to take up business at Sugar Hill.

公司将开发新工艺, 使用一系列的技术, for producing a variety of advanced ceramic materials which will in turn be supplied to a diversified technology marketplace. Products manufactured using processes developed by Lambda are expected to ease the stress on the global supply chain by facilitating domestic production of items made from advanced ceramic materials. 该公司希望最终拥有多达30名员工.

Lambda Advanced Materials was co-founded by Alfred University alumni Jeffrey Brundage ’76 (B.S.约瑟夫·索伦蒂诺(Joseph Sorrentino) 1983年毕业.S.、管理). Brundage, 陶瓷制造商Critical Services LLC的业务发展经理, 和Sorrentino, 律师兼房地产开发商, were members of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity as Alfred University undergraduates. 其他几位Lambda Chi校友也参与了这个项目.

“We are looking to develop the next generation of materials processing,” said Brundage. 该公司, 他解释说, aims to develop new high-temperature materials processing technologies that are more energy efficient and less expensive, 从而在全球市场上更具竞争力. “We will develop processes that will bring ceramic materials not produced in this country, 回到这个国家.”

“这将真正改变陶瓷领域的游戏规则,”索伦蒂诺说. “这一切都将发生在阿尔弗雷德.”

从7开始,200-square foot building on 30 acres of land at the Sugar Hill industrial park, 从商人杰森·罗德手里买来的, 1995年毕业于k8彩乐园app官网下载, 还有他的妻子, Christel. Jason Rodd operates a factory in Hornell that manufactures ceramic and metal components for the wire pulling industry. The building is currently a shell that will be renovated to include research facilities, 办公室, 制造空间. 约翰Simmins, k8彩乐园app官网下载高级陶瓷技术中心主任, 阿曼达·贾德温说, CACT的项目经理, will lead a team of students advising Lambda on developing a layout for the building which meets Six Sigma quality control specifications.

“Ms. Jadwin and her lean manufacturing students have had several successful engagements with other industries in the area. They help reduce the cost of manufacturing by streamlining factory layouts and processes.西明斯说.

装修工作完成后, a portion of Lambda’s operations will be run from the nearby IncubatorWorks business incubator. 根据索伦蒂诺的说法, the target date for Lambda completing work at the Sugar Hill site is summer of 2024. 在此期间, Lambda will operate out of the IncubatorWorks facility in Alfred as well as leasing space from Rodd in Hornell.

Lambda chose the location in large part because of its proximity to Alfred University’s Inamori School of Engineering and its CREATE (Ceramic 研究, 教育与科技企业中心, 它位于麦克马洪工程大楼. Simmins said the CREATE Center has facilities and equipment which can accommodate research into ceramic material machining and additive manufacturing (3-D printing).

CACT作业者的, 哪个国家主持了周五的签字仪式, 把拉姆达先进材料带到阿尔弗雷德身边. CACT作业者的 referred the available property at Sugar Hill to Lambda leadership and helped facilitate its purchase. Simmins said Lambda will provide research and employment opportunities for Alfred University engineering student, 无论是实习生还是员工.

Sorrentino said Lambda hopes to create 20-30 new jobs at the Sugar Hill site over the next five years.

“We want to create opportunities for ceramic engineering students to come in and use our equipment, 获得实践经验, 发展技能,他说, noting those opportunities may lead to students finding employment at Lambda after they graduate.

Gabrielle gastad ' 04, k8彩乐园app官网下载稻盛工程学院院长, said having Lambda in Alfred will benefit students by providing unique learning opportunities that typify the Alfred University educational experience.

“动手, 现实世界的技能是我们这里工程教育的一个标志, 所以在我们附近有这个新设施对我来说尤其令人兴奋,Gaustad评论道. “This enables our students to easily visit and see cutting edge technology first-hand and creates amazing opportunities for internships and co-ops.  无论在什么地方, it is always a thrill to see our alums building successful careers and businesses.”

Lambda Advanced Materials will also develop two solar projects on the property, 将由布法罗太阳能公司监管. Photo-voltaic panels will be installed on the Lambda building and in a 10-acre solar panel field on the company-owned property at the Sugar Hill site.  Lambda’s plan is to have the facility meet as close to a net zero carbon footprint as possible. The solar site will be available to students in the Renewable Energy Engineering program at Alfred University and the Renewable Energy Technology program at Alfred State to explore integration of renewable energy with the grid.

最后一家在糖山工业园区落户的公司是Belvac, a manufacturer of ceramic molds which are used in the aluminum can/container production process. Simmins said it is expected that Lambda Materials’ location at the Sugar Hill site will serve as a catalyst for more companies to be started in Alfred.